In times of emergency, do you have a good battery?

“Hey brother, can you spare a battery”? It doesn’t matter where in the World you live… our planet can be volatile at times. And “Mother Nature” is always kind and gentle but, you can stay a step ahead if you prepare in advance. Over the past few years, there have been many challenges and there is little chance things will be different in the future. There are many steps to take to have the supplies on-hand when you need them. This is really concerning when you run your own business… not just home related stress.


You know how the first pen you pick up, never writes? I hate that with a passion and the same thing happens when I am stressing over needing a battery powered device. My flashlight sat in a drawer for a year with no need for it. We had intermittent power outages but there were in the day or didn’t last too long. The time that I did need it at night, it was chaos and pandemonium to say the least!

D Batteries

I stubbed my toe trying to navigate to the kitchen. I’m sure I looked like a sight impaired person but, I literally was in the dark. I did find a lighter and managed to make it to the living room to light a candle for more light. It was an eureka moment!

With light, I cautiously made it back to the kitchen to retrieve my flashlight. I felt like a King when I grabbed our trusty flashlight from the drawer. Then felt like a defeated man when the light stick was dead due to dead batteries. Luckily, my wife bought a battery organizer and tester “thingy” and I had it stocked and at the ready.


It took no time (even in dim candle light) to find my double-sided battery caddy. It actually took less than 15 seconds to open the lid and get 3 “D” sized batteries and to make the switch. Back in “hero mode” I was able to ensure the house was secure and candles were strategically placed in our home for piece of mind.

If you want ease and simplicity, I would highly recommend checking out the Battery Daddy Smart Storage System… you can thank me later after your next dire emergency.

9V Batteries

Battery Caddy:

D Batteries (12 pack):

9V Batteries: